Business Management

Business Management Program Information

The management curriculum is designed to provide a sound familiarity with many intricate but practical business concepts. It exposes students to the challenges facing today’s managers in both business and industry.

The process of management is the pursuit of goals. Management consistently involves four basic functions—planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Each addresses a particular set of problems and requires a particular set of skills. The importance of leadership, closeness with customers and employees, motivation, and communication are lessons that business persons must know well.

Managers can be found in a variety of fields, including sales, construction, food service, human resources and health services.

NOTE: The Guided Pathways Curricular Maps contain all the elements required for degree/certificate completion. However, courses may be offered or taken in other semesters so long as prerequisites are met. Additional options for elective courses are available. Please see Degreeworks for allowable substitutions. Courses may be available days, nights, hybrid, and online. Sample maps for part-time attendance may also be available. Please see an advisor. 

Program Contact
Program Contact: Amanda Tillman
Office Phone: 256.352.8174